star on earth’ will become the world’s first
sustainable fusion reactor by 2012.
It may look like any average building but behind
closed doors could lie the answer to safe
renewable energy of the future.
According to the National Ignition Facility (NIF)
team in Livermore, on November 2 they fired up
the 192 lasers beams at the centre of the
reactor and aimed them at a glass target
containing tritium and deuterium gas.
The resulting release of energy was of a
magnitude of 1.3 million mega joules, which was
a world record and the peak radiation
temperature measure at the core was
approximately six million degrees Fahrenheit.
For a direct comparison, the temperature at the
centre of the sun is 27 million degrees
Complex: Experts predict that reactor could be
operational by 2020 and that by 2050 a quarter
on earth providing energy for thousands of
people when it is working as a power station in
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