

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Drive Your Woman Crazy, Here Is How To Find Her G-spot (See 3 Photos).

The controversy surrounding the G-spot comes about because there is no consensus over just what the G-spot is, and while some women can orgasm through stimulation of the G-spot, others find it incredibly uncomfortable.

The female G-spot is not some mythical part of a woman’s vagina. It is real and is very capable of showing her a difference between good s.ex and AMAZING! s.ex.

Most men have given up on finding this special sweet spot, assuming that it is either a myth or not important. This is sadly the first step to making sure your woman never reaches the point of bliss.

How to find the G-spot
The G-spot lies on the anterior wall of the vagina, about 5-8cm above the opening to the vagina. It is easiest to locate if a woman lies on her back and has someone else insert one or two fingers into the vagina with the palm up. Using a “come here” motion, the tissue surrounding the urethra, called the urethral sponge, will begin to swell.

This swelling area is the G-spot. At first, this touch may make the woman feel as though she needs to urinate, but after a few seconds may turn into a pleasurable sensation.

The G-spot is not a single, distinct entity. Much debate exists in the research field as to just what the G-spot is, and how it can produce orgasm.
The G-spot is located in the clitourethrovaginal complex – the area where the clitoris, urethra and vagina all meet up. There are several structures in this complex that could produce pleasurable sensations when stimulated – the G-spot might reflect the stimulation of just one structure, or multiple structures at once.

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